Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Body Count

Does anyone else miss perky Katie Couric giving us our nightly body count of soldiers killed in Iraq or Afghanistan? Up until November the media let us know not only how many soldiers were killed that day, but they also gave us a running total. We knew when the 100th soldier was killed, we knew when the total reached 1,000. Not only did we get the number, but since the number was usually one or two, we would get the hero's name and their hometown. We would also get glimpses of those left behind, widows and children. However, now since the November elections the count has stopped, it is no longer a part of the nightly network broadcasts.
I guess we are left to conclude that it is just not important any more. It no longer matters that young men and women are sacrificing their lives for us, at least not to the network news. We could be callous and suggest that the agenda of the media has changed and they no longer need to incite emotions with body counts. Along with the body count gone too is the pictures of angry college students questioning President Bush's IQ and protesting the war.
I wonder if the soldiers and their families miss the body count? I wonder if they feel used by the media.
Maybe there are no U.S. soldiers dying anymore...after all the body count has stopped.